A selection of books from International Bestselling Author, Andréa Dykstra. Each book draws on Andréa's life experiences and extensive training to offer you, the reader, an entertaining and life-changing journey with each read.
It is Andréa's desire and her passion to share her stories to initiate healing in others, and these books are the catalyst for personal transformation.

The Missing Piece: A Transformational Journey
For anyone who has ever struggled to overcome disease, death, divorce, unemployment, separation, abuse, or other life-altering challenges.
This compilation, featuring the stories of 27 inspiring women, will have you laughing, crying, and celebrating the strength of the Spirit as it triumphs over trauma.
Each story allows a unique view into the heart of the author, and a chance to learn the exact steps that she took to survive, and thrive, in the face of life's challenges!

Shortcuts to Spirituality
Your guide to more joy, peace, and love.
Andréa skillfully guides you through life's challenges - relationships, careers, illness, overcoming adversity, surviving abuse, and other major life impacting changes - with grace and ease.
With step by step instructions for achieving more serenity in your life, this book is a refreshing guide that will allow you to create the life of your dreams.

Energize Your Life NOW
Live better NOW! Your revolutionary guide to losing weight fast, boosting your metabolism, eliminating pain, feeling confident, achieving your goals, and having an incredible sex life!
Andréa draws on her Professional Fitness Training and Nutrition background, as well as her Master Life Coaching training to offer you this complete guide on how to master your energy in all areas of your life.
Learn how to increase your metabolism and boost your energy naturally, take the guesswork out of supplements, learn a goal setting method that ensures success, enrich your sex life, and much, much more!!