Where will The Missing Piece fit in your life?
For anyone who has ever struggled to overcome disease, death, divorce, unemployment, separation, abuse, or other life-altering challenges.
This compilation, featuring the stories of 27 inspiring women, will have you laughing, crying, and celebrating the strength of the Spirit as it triumphs over trauma.
Each story allows a unique view into the heart of the author, and a chance to learn the exact steps that she took to survive, and thrive, in the face of life's challenges!
My chapter is titled, "I'm not afraid of the dark." I share a story from my childhood, where I was paralyzed by fear while being held at knifepoint, and the journey through C-PTSD.
In it, I also reveal the method that I developed to overcome any fear, in eight easy steps!
Put your life back together with The Missing Piece: A Transformational Journey.

This story is an absolute must read! Andréa Dykstra writes a riveting piece based upon her own shocking childhood experiences; how she learned to face her fear and pain, allowing her not only to heal but to grow. This captivating piece couples brilliant storytelling with a step-by-step plan for readers to adapt the tools Andréa used.
Michael R. Drew, Author of Pendulum & CEO of Promote A Book;
www. penduluminaction.com
As a coach, former therapist and trainer, I have had the privilege of working with hundreds of women who have survived life’s most unspeakable violations. These women mourn, they grieve, they strike out and they manage to move on.
What I've observed is that, while therapy, medication and time heals many of their wounds, there are few things more significant than when they commune with other women who share their experience; these women teach one another what they've learned, what they can expect, and how they, themselves, have healed. This is where the magic happens.
Andréa Dykstra's, "I'm not afraid of the dark..." is a bold, heart-stretching exclamation point of hope. Her vulnerable story of multiple traumas provide the reader with an unapologetic account of the stark, unedited facts while, in equal measure, demonstrating the empowerment that emerges from her process of 'Touching the Fear'.
It will help you, it will heal you, it will make you want to reach out and help others. I know this to be true because I am one of these women.
Nancy D. Solomon, Author of the acclaimed book, "IMPACT! What Every Woman Needs to Know to Go From Invisible to Invincible; www.nancydsolomon.com